smoked salmon & crème fraîche gnocchis for fall

To all mt fellow readers, apologies for this little disappearance over the past four weeks. After off for NZ on the 3rd, I was kept busy but I'm back with a lot of stories to share! First of let me introduce you to one of my favourite recipe I have made so far (believe me it's actually a miracle that I have cooked since I arrived here in Australia where eating out si so tempting). So last week I had a little thought and decided to make some gnocchis (comforting fall food) - honestly, not that hard right? 

Gnocchis with Smoked Salmon & Crème Fraîche 
(serves two hungry people)

- 500g of fresh gnocchis 
- 3 to 5 tbsp of crème fraîche (or thickened cream)
- 100g of smoked salmon 
- organic olive oil 
- salt and pepper 
- shredded cheddar/emmental 

As you can see from above you don't need a massive budget, nor a Master Chef skill to cook these! First of, boil some water and once the water is boiled (when you can see the bubbles hehe) pour the gnocchis for 3 to 4 minutes, depending on how you like the way they are cooked. 3 minutes would be perfect for aldante. I like them a little bit more cooked so I leave them and try them at about 4 minutes past. Unlike some "gnocchis to fry" that you can actually find in France, these DO need to be boiled first. 

Drain the gnocchis until no water is left and put them on a hot fry pan, with a bit of olive oil. Sear them well until you see a little golden colour (mine is a bit under seared and the crème makes it a bit difficult to see). Once you see the colour, pour the crème and the smoked salmon you have cut into small pieces beforehand (obviously, you don't want a whole slice of smoked salmon in there). Add on crème if you feel like it evaporated a bit and stir for about 5 minutes. Remember to taste in the middle - you may like your cuisson different from mine!

Then, serve whilst hot. Add shredded cheese if you want to. I like having these with a glass of Chardonnay, if you know what I mean ;)

On the update side you can expect one or two articles on NZ pretty soon, as well as Melbourne, which I have returned to couple of weeks ago. You will also find out about some shopping, which I haven't done in a while, or maybe you already know if you follow me on instagram (@miy_u). Hope you enjoy your pasta and stay tuned!


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