a week in stockholm

 The lake near the place we rented in Skarholmen

A perfect sunny breakfast 

 The old town, Gamla Stan one of my favorite places in town

Spinach and salmon pie

Speciality #1: cinnamon bun (kanelbulle). Delicious but one of my favorite pastry from konditori was the chocolate ball made of oat meals, coffee and shredded coconut. 

 Skansen: an open air museum where you can see elks, reindeers, bears, owls and other beauties

 Another swedish speciality; the meatballs (kottbullar) with potatoes and lingon berries

 The indoor market: Ostermalm Saluhall

Canoe day, a view of the Nordiska Museet 

 Grona Lund, the amusement park
Last day: sunset by the Stadhuset (City Hall)


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